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时间:2024-05-27 19:10来源:中国新闻摄影学会 【字体:




  国家文物局数据显示,全国共有国有可移动文物1.08亿件(套),不可移动文物76.7万处。全国文物系统从业人员达到16万人。 一代又一代的文物保护修复师们更替传承,但责任与热忱从未减退。在文化和自然遗产日即将到来之际,我们一起走进文物修复师们的世界。

  Heroes of the past  

  With a long history and rich cultural splendors, ancient China provided the world with an uninterrupted lineage of civilizations lasting for millennia that are still inspiring.

  Thanks to the cultural relics our ancestors left behind, key events that might have influenced the destiny of a dynasty, or special moments in the lives of people long gone, come to life.

  However, when we pay to admire, and in some cases be astounded by, such relics, we can hardly ignore the fact that, often, time has taken its toll on the relics, be they porcelain shards, fading murals or weathered roofs on ancient temples.

  Fortunately, time has also witnessed the dedication and diligence of those who painstakingly keep the past alive and relevant. Their devotion is often counted in generations. Behind the polished museum exhibits, these are the people who wipe the dust of ages from the artifacts and give a second life to the items that have been silent observers of history.

  They are, of course, the conservators and restorers of cultural relics. Just like medical practitioners who vow to spare no effort to save a patient, they, too, make diagnoses and tailor treatment to ailments of the nation’s treasures. They combine traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology to ensure their longevity.

  Their “patients” are often icons, like the grand palace at the Forbidden City in Beijing, the walls of Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi province, millennia-old bronzewares, scarred with verdigris and a timeworn patina, or the magnificent underground legion of the Terracotta Warriors from the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC).

  Generation after generation, deft hands and keen eyes, powered by robust hearts and unbowed enthusiasm, have skillfully kept the twin wolves of damage and decay at bay.

  According to the National Cultural Heritage Administration, an army of more than 160,000 people is engaged in cultural relic-related work nationwide, protecting the more than 108 million cultural relics, which are housed in China’s public institutions, and the 767,000 “unmovable” monuments, ancient architecture, structures and heritage sites that are registered nationwide.


  Tourists walk by the Gate of Supreme Harmony, which is under restoration, at the Palace Museum, on April 23.



  On March 31, veteran restorer Lan Desheng, 55, from Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum, examines a Terracotta Warrior at the institute in Xi’an, Shaanxi province.



  He(Lan Desheng)applies an eye drop on a terracotta statue to clean the eye. 



  Xi Jiulong, head of the Yongle Palace mural art protection research institute, introduces a mural at the palace in Yuncheng, Shanxi province, on March 28.



  Plastic sheets are applied to the rammed earth of the city wall of Pingyao Ancient City, in Jinzhong, Shanxi province, on Oct 20, 2021.



  Two young restorers gather 3D data from a statue in Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi province, on April 6.



  On March 23, at Shanxi Museum in Taiyuan, Shanxi, a restorer works on a mural.



  On May 16, Fan Zaixuan, 62, a restorer at Dunhuang Academy, works on a damaged mural at the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, Gansu province.




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