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时间:2023-05-22 11:21来源:中国新闻摄影学会 【字体:


  Photo taken with a mobile phone shows rescuers searching for the black boxes at a plane crash site in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 22, 2022. Rescuers are making all-out efforts to retrieve the black boxes of a passenger plane that crashed in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Monday afternoon, an official with the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said Tuesday night.

  The passenger plane with 132 people aboard crashed on Monday afternoon, the regional emergency management department said.

  The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft, which departed from Kunming and was bound for Guangzhou, crashed into a mountainous area near the Molang village in Tengxian County in the city of Wuzhou at 2:38 p.m., causing a mountain fire, according to the department. The airline said the cause of the accident will be fully investigated. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)



  3月21日14时38分许,东方航空公司MU5735航班执行昆明-广州任务时,在广西梧州市上空失联并坠毁。机上载有乘客123人、机组人员9人。 新华社记者 周华 摄


  Photo taken with a mobile phone shows rescuers searching for the black boxes at a plane crash site in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 22, 2022. Rescuers are making all-out efforts to retrieve the black boxes of a passenger plane that crashed in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Monday afternoon, an official with the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) said Tuesday night.

  The passenger plane with 132 people aboard crashed on Monday afternoon, the regional emergency management department said.

  The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft, which departed from Kunming and was bound for Guangzhou, crashed into a mountainous area near the Molang village in Tengxian County in the city of Wuzhou at 2:38 p.m., causing a mountain fire, according to the department. The airline said the cause of the accident will be fully investigated. (Xinhua/Zhou Hua)



  3月21日14时38分许,东方航空公司MU5735航班执行昆明-广州任务时,在广西梧州市上空失联并坠毁。机上载有乘客123人、机组人员9人。 新华社记者 周华 摄


  Rescuers conduct search and rescue work at the core site of a recent plane crash in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 26, 2022. The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft carrying 132 people crashed on the afternoon of March 21 in a mountainous area of Guangxi's Tengxian County. (Xinhua/Lu Boan)


  当日,在东航MU5735客机坠毁事故核心现场,搜救人员展开拉网式搜索。 新华社记者 陆波岸 摄


  A rescuer suffering from heat stroke is helped out of the core site of the plane crash in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 25, 2022. The core site of the recent plane crash in south China will be excavated as all-out efforts are made to continue searching for survivors and the second black box, officials said at a news briefing on Friday.

  The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft carrying 132 people crashed on the afternoon of March 21 in a mountainous area of Guangxi's Tengxian County. No survivors have been found so far. One black box has already been recovered. (Xinhua/Lu Boan)



  3月21日,东方航空公司MU5735航班执行昆明-广州任务时,在广西梧州市藤县上空失联并坠毁。机上载有乘客123人、机组人员9人。失事飞机一部黑匣子已于23日找到。 新华社记者 陆波岸 摄


  Rescuers conduct search and rescue work at the core site of the plane crash in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 25, 2022. The core site of the recent plane crash in south China will be excavated as all-out efforts are made to continue searching for survivors and the second black box, officials said at a news briefing on Friday.

  The China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 aircraft carrying 132 people crashed on the afternoon of March 21 in a mountainous area of Guangxi's Tengxian County. No survivors have been found so far. One black box has already been recovered. (Xinhua/Lu Boan)



  3月21日,东方航空公司MU5735航班执行昆明-广州任务时,在广西梧州市藤县上空失联并坠毁。机上载有乘客123人、机组人员9人。失事飞机一部黑匣子已于23日找到。 新华社记者 陆波岸 摄


  Rescuers conduct search and rescue work at a plane crash site in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, March 24, 2022.

  Pieces of engine wreckage of the passenger plane that crashed in south China's Guangxi earlier this week have been found, an official told a press briefing on Thursday.

  As of 4 p.m. Thursday, a total of 183 pieces of aircraft wreckage, some remains of victims and 21 pieces of belongings of victims have been found and handed over to the investigation team, Zheng said.

  The plane with 132 aboard crashed on the afternoon of March 21 in a village in Guangxi's Tengxian County. No survivors have been found so far. One black box of the plane has been recovered. (Xinhua/Lu Boan)


  3月24日,藤县空难搜寻工作持续展开。搜救人员在广西梧州藤县事故核心区继续搜寻失事飞机的另一个飞行数据记录仪(黑匣子)和相关残骸。 新华社记者 陆波岸 摄


  Photo taken on March 27, 2022 shows the second black box recovered at the crash site of the China Eastern Airlines' plane in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The second black box of the plane that crashed Monday in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was recovered Sunday, according to the national emergency response headquarters for the accident. (Xinhua/Lu Boan)

  这是被发现的第二部黑匣子(3月27日摄)。 新华社记者 陆波岸 摄


  Photo taken on March 27, 2022 shows a memorial event at the crash site of the China Eastern Airlines plane to mourn the deaths of the 132 people involved in the accident in Tengxian County, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. At about 2 p.m., as the sound of horns blared throughout a mountainous area in Tengxian County, all staff members of the national emergency response headquarters for the accident and rescuers at the site stood solemnly in silence for three minutes in a tribute to the victims. (Xinhua/Huang Xiaobang)


  当日下午,“3·21”东航MU5735航空器飞行事故遇难者集体哀悼活动在事发地搜救现场举行,对遇难者表示哀悼。 新华社记者 黄孝邦 摄


[ 责编:金英花 ]